Friday, August 28, 2009

The Parting

Pens have abandoned my calloused fingers
Spluttering and slipping, sipping sweet revenge
My ears, accustomed to the monotonous tapping
Of livelihood machines, of lifeless words on a screen
Take offence to the sound of a pen's earthy scratch
Our relationship is turbulent, I grab then abandon
I take and reject, and they have now rebelled
I have, with my callousness, wounded their fragile pride.


Me. said...

only way to avoid this "writers block' is to write something...anything,every single day,as was suggested by none else but Bankim Chandra,my dear,pls do write whatever you wish every single day atleast for about half an hour.

Me. said...

Thank you, Baba! By the way, you used my log-in ID to write the comment!